Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lily Aldrin Lilypad

One of the 2 female character in this sitcom is Lily Aldrin. She is Marshall Erkisen - as mentioned in the previous post - girlfriend/fiance, and on the latter part, wife.

Lily is also called as Lilypad by Marshall. It is their petname for each other since they were officially together. Lily's character in the sitcom is somewhat a lovely, sweet, cute, and kindergarten teacher.

Since she had been with Marshall since college, it is uncomfortable to see when they're not together or if they seriously fight. Sadly, there were some episodes where they broke up. It was almost their wedding that time when they decided to break-up. Everything was set and done, ready to go. Yet they both realized that they didn't want to do it. So then they separated ways for a while. While Lily is enjoying and re-discovering herself through her dream of being an artist, Marshall kept mourning like as if there's no tomorrow.

Being a good friend to both parties, Barney went to Lily and gave her a ticket back to where she left Marshall. When she got back, Marshall was almost done moving on and living his life without her. But then again, after quite some time, they got back together and finally have continued with their wedding.

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