Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dory the Explory

Dora Chikkadora as one channel in the Philippines spoof it, is yet another Nickelodeon Jr. cartoon. It's target audience is basically kids. In every episode, the cartoon converse with the kids - or who anyone that's watching - to help Dora and Diego - her friend - to find stuff and solve problems. Problems such as, what to use in saving the cat from the tree, where to pass in crossing the river, things like that.

It also has a very good jingle that sticks to anyone who hears it [as I have observed it]. A very educational cartoon I must say. This cartoon helps children to learn the basics before going to school, or for those who go to school already - from toddler up - practice them and give entertainment.

With all the cartoons that was mentioned in previous blogs, I believe that this bests fit children most especially toddlers. It is not like any other cartoons that show violence.

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